Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be able to have access to my old email address?

You will still be able to receive emails to those email addresses and all your emails currently in your inbox will not disappear. After the switch, all your emails will come from the email address.

Will I lose all my saved emails in my inbox?

All your emails in your inbox/Outlook should stay where they are. They will not be removed.

How long will the email switch take?

Switching email addresses and all the corresponding emails may take up to 2 hours. This is why we are switching on Friday, 1/10 at 9 p.m. EST.

Will my computer/email password change?

No, your computer/email password will not change.

Will anything else about my email address change?

No, just the domain portion of the email address, aka the test AFTER the @ sign.

How do I let external individuals know my email address has changed?

No need to create an autoreply alerting of the new email address. You can simply add a line to your email signature: Please note my updated email address.

I have an external consultant or temp who uses a email address. Does their email address change?>

Yes, their email address will change. Please forward the instructions to them.

Will I be locked out of logging into my computer during the transition at 9 p.m. EST?

No, you will not be locked out of your computer during the transition. You will be able to access your computer using your same username and password you use to log into your computer. We do recommend logging off before the transition to help with a smooth and seamless transition. Your email will not be available for approximately 2 hours.

Can I continue to log into my computer using the account to complete the migration steps?

You can log into your computer as normal - your computer username and Outlook password remain unchanged.

Currently, when I type in a name in the To: line of an email, it auto-populates with the individual's email address. Is that going to be updated?

Yes, this will be updated as well but may take 24 - 48 hours to complete. It should be updated by Monday, 1/13 morning.

What about the applications that use Single-Sign On?

By Monday, 1/13 all applications listed on will reflect your new email address, unless otherwise directed by your department.

What about applications not on

Continue to use your email address unless directed otherwise by your department. This includes UKG/UltiPro and NICE InContact.

I use Adobe eSign (which is different than Adobe Creative Cloud or Adobe Acrobat). What do I do now?

Following the email address switch on Friday, 1/10 at 9 p.m., you must manually update your email address in eSign to maintain eSign access in Salesforce. You can find instructions here

I use SMAX. What do I do now?

You will first need to log out and after you complete the migration steps listed here, the Single-Sign On will work as usual. For new users or additional sign-in information, please visit the Technician Knowledge Center or reach out to Jillian Marquard/your Regional VP.

I use Zuora. What do I do now?

After the email switch, our Zuora account will migrate to OneID for a streamlined and enhanced user experience. OneID will be available in MyApps but will be using the email address until further notice. Please reach out to your manager if you have additional questions.

I use UKG/UltiPro. What do I do?

Please continue to login into UKG/UltiPro using your email address until further notice.

I use NICE InContact. What do I do?

Please continue to login into NICE InContact using your email address until further notice.

Who do I contact if I run into issues?

For those working on Saturday 1/11 or Sunday, 1/12: Culligan IT will be available for support from 9:00 a.m. - 12: 00 p.m. EST through or by phone: 267-297-0064.

Starting Monday, 1/13, please follow the instructions below for support:

  • Sales & Customer Service Team Members: Please alert your manager and reach out to
  • Service Technicians: Please reach out to your Regional VP and Jillian Marquard.
  • Schedulers: Please reach out to Sam Sickles.
  • All other Quench employees: Please use the link or phone number (267-297-0064) to contact Culligan IT support.